"Site"-Specific Festival
brought to you virtually by Exquisite Corpse Company
About "Site"-Specific Festival
ECC has decided to give the community a little virtual show! We're doing a spin off of our classic Drunk24 Festival! We're inviting people around the country to participate in this online night of theater... or as we're calling it "Site"-Specific Festival!
What does this mean?
Since our community is in quarantine, we're adapting one of our favorite community events and making weird art in strange spaces... your spaces!
We're asking people who live together to apply as acting teams! Live alone or with non-actors? That's ok too! This is a chance for everyone to get creative. You can always do a short monologue, song, or solo-dance.
Will be assigned an actor team and a piece to direct from the comfort of their own home. They only get 2 days to get their actors off-book and incorporate the space in an imaginative way.
Playwrights will be given 24hrs to create a 5 minute playlet for their assigned actor team! They're inspiration? 5 drinking rules, the team, and the team's apartment. Bet you were wondering how this would be site-specific... ;)
Are you a dancer, painter, musician, drag queen, puppeteer, contortionist, etc? Submit to participate and if selected you will be challenged to create a piece in your space incorporating 5 drinking rules.
OH, and did we mention... "Site"-Specific 2020 is a DRINKING GAME!? That's right! Instead of watching the performers have all the fun, you'll get to join in too! Grab your beer, wine, tea, or juice and join in!
"Site"-Specific Rebirth Festival
May 22nd 7:30pm
During our second round of this festival, we were able to collaborate with ECC community members from near and far under quarantine. With over 200 people watching on the night of the performance, we were able to reach an extraordinary amount of people and collaborate with artists across the world. We're so excited to do this again!
"Site"-Specific 2020 Plays and Participants:
“Time Again” by Alexander Kveton
Featuring Tess Howsam and Lee Collins
“If Trees Are Wrong I Don’t Want To Be Right”
by Blake Bishton
Directed by Alex Tobey
Featuring Blaire O’Leary and Alexander Kveton
"There Is A Rock” by Emily Krause
Directed by Gabriel Torres
Featuring Emily Cordes
"Sob Stories" by Charlotte Lang-Bush
Directed by Christina Reilly
Featuring Josephine Patane and Tomas Mason
"Serious Rebirth and Metamorphosis of a Cicada Rising"
by Samantha Evans
Directed by Mariah Prinster
Featuring Caity Urquhart
"Chalk Line" by Joshua Young
Directed by Tara Elliott
Featuring Nicole Kontolefa con to lefa and Timothy Mele
"MK & Olivier" by Alexis Roblan
Directed by Patrick Mullins
Featuring Sarah White and Max Henry
"A Walk Through" by Seth McNeil
Directed by Ran Xia
Featuring Natalie Westgor
"Speak To The Souper" by Lee Collins
Directed by Maureen Fleming
Featuring Sheila Langan and Adam Farley
“I Spit Fire Into His Face” by Kendra Augustin
Directed by Holly M Wright
Featuring Josanna Vaz
"A Real Estate Opportunity For Your Consideration"
by Leah Barker
Directed by Eli Schleicher
Featuring Nicole Orabona
"Site"-Specific 2020 Festival
March 28th 7:30pm
During our first round of this festival, we were able to collaborate with ECC community members from near and far under quarantine. With over 300 people watching on the night of the performance, we were able to reach an extraordinary amount of people during this time. We're so excited to do this again!
We were able to donate all additional funds to Indie Theater Fund's Rapid Relief Fund reaching $1000! If you can, please consider making a donation to this fund.
Visit Indie Theater Fund's Donation Site HERE!
"Site"-Specific 2020 Plays and Participants:
“Bird-Men Dream of Mice” By Alexander Kveton
Featuring Tess Howsam and Lee Collins
"Hula Hoop Sudden Death Sweepstakes" by Joshua Young
Directed by Ran Xia
Featuring Emily Cordes Cordis
"Apocalypse You Imagined" by Alexis Roblan
Directed by Tess Howsam
Featuring Kate Mueth & Josh, and August Gladstone
"The Event" by Jean Grant
Directed by Lana Richards
Featuring Sam Evans and Doug Goldring
"Corona-Psycho" by Christin E Cato
Directed by Anna Loyd Bradshaw
Featuring Anya Krawcheck
"The Hunting Room" by Alisa Zhulina
Directed by Christine Cirker
Featuring Nicole Kontolefa and Timothy Mele
"Shelter In Home" by Maddy Kunz and Hannah Monsour
Directed by Daniella Caggiano
Featuring Isabella, Alisa and John Wager
"Children's Wormwood Palace" by Joshua Young
Directed by Ran Xia
Featuring Mindy Escobar-Leanses
“Lack” by Eric Marlin
Directed by Holly M Wright
Featuring Isuri Wijesundara and Zachry Bailey
"The Overthinker" by Blake Bishton
Directed by Katia Koziara
Featuring Lucy Van Atta and Kenny Toll
"Wine On The Couch" by Erin Moughon
Directed by Juan Arturo
Featuring Deirdre Lyons and Stephen Butchko
"Justin & Chloe K-I-S-S-I-N-G" by MJ Kang
Directed by Jenny Snyder
Featuring Christine Chang and Jesse Geller
"My Virtual Birthday" by Christin E Cato
Directed by Anna Loyd Bradshaw
Featuring Sedem Banini Pinni
"How To Be Happy" by Ezra Brain
Directed by Seth Roseman
Featuring Carolyn Holding and Ian Norris
"The Owl, or: What I Learned at Night"
Written/Directed by Louis DeVaughn Nelson
Music by Es Wex
Featuring Andrea Lopez
"Covid In The Woods" by Phillip Christian Smith
Directed by Anna Strasser
Featuring Blaire O’Leary and Alex Kveton